Sunday Service 10:30am

18151 Church Lane

Jerseyville, IL 62052


Truth Project


The Truth project is a video series presenting the foundational ideas of a Biblical worldview.  Taught by Dr. Del Tackett, he takes you through 13 engaging video lessons on the relevance and importance in living a Biblical worldview in daily life. 

During the summer of 2021 Delhi Baptist Church will be showing this series on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30pm. Adults and teens are welcome to join us for a time of prayer, teaching, and discussion.  Nursery is provided for children ages 0,1, and 2.  Honor Club is available for ages 3 through upper elementary in the gymnasium.



7:00-7:10 Prayer

7:10-8:10 Video Lesson

8:10-8:30 Discussion


Lesson Outlines

Lesson 1 - Veritology: What is Truth?

Lesson 2 - Philosophy & Ethics: Says Who?

Lesson 3 – Anthropology: Who is man?

Lesson 4 –Theology: Who is God?

Lesson 5 - Science: What is True?

Lesson 6 – History: Whose Story?

Lesson 7 – Sociology: the divine Imprint

Lesson 8 - Unio Mystica: am I Alone?

Lesson 9 - The State: Whose Law?

Lesson 10 - American Experiment: stepping Stones

Lesson 11 - Labor: Created to Create

Lesson 12 - Community & Involvement: God Cares, Do I?